Tag: simulations

Lecture: Assessing the quality of social interactions

Knigge, M., Siemon, J., & Scholkmann, A. (2014, september). Die Erfassung der Qualität sozialer Interaktionen zwischen Schülerinnen und Schülern im Klassenraum am Beispiel von Dyaden beim simulationsbasierten Lernen [Assessing the quality of social interactions between students in the classroom by the example of dyads during game-based learning]. Lectured at AEPF, Hamburg.

Download (pdf, German version): Knigge_Siemon_Scholkmann_AEPF_2014_09_09a_MK

Supervised doctorates

Doctorates supervised by Jens Siemon:

Dr. phil. des. Anja Augsdörfer: Promoting the Situation-Specific Lesson Planning and Coaching Skills of Prospective Teachers and Mentors in Vocational Education: a Video-Based Intervention Study

Dr. Katharina Baumann: Man muss schon ein bisschen mit dem Schreiben zurechtkommen! [You should be able to cope with writing – at least a bit!]

Dr. Martin Novak: Lebenslange berufliche Bildung in der Wissensgesellschaft [lifelong vocational education in a knowledge-based society]

Dr. Marina Trebbels: Transitions at the end of compulsory full-time education

Dr. Claudia Stolp: Wirkung auf Lernerfolg und Motivation durch Debriefing in Unternehmensplanspielen [Impact on learning success and motivation through debriefing in business simulations]

Dr. Jose Maria Cela: Personality, learning patterns and performance of first year students

Game-based learning

Impact on learning success and motivation through debriefing in business simulations

Stolp, Claudia (2015). Wirkung auf Lernerfolg und Motivation durch Debriefing in Unternehmensplanspielen [Impact on learning success and motivation through debriefing in business simulations] .
