Tag: vocational education

Selected publications

Teaching and instruction / video-based classroom research:

Scholkmann, A., Siemon, J. Boom, K.-D. & Knigge, M. (2017). Lernzeitnutzung im Planspielunterricht. Eine Analyse des Einflusses kognitiver Fähigkeiten, Zielorientierungen und Charakteristika von Lernpartnern anhand von Videodaten. [Time on task during game-based learning. The effects of cognitive skills, goal orientations and the characteristics of learning partners – an analysis based on video data.] In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. Available online. DOI: 10.1007/s11618-017-0736-4

Siemon, J., Scholkmann, A., Paulsen, T. (2017). Coding Manual. Types of teacher supportive behaviour. German and english version available online.

Siemon, J., Scholkmann, A., Boom, K.-D., & Knigge, M. (2015, Januar 6). Kodiermanual Lernzeitnutzung (Time on Task). Zur Analyse von Schülerverhalten anhand von Videodaten [Coding scheme time on task for video-based analysis of student behaviour]. German version available online: Siemon et al. 2015_Kodiermanual Lernzeitnutzung 

Knigge, Michel; Duarte, Joana; Nordstrand, Vibeke; Siemon, Jens; Stolp, Claudia (2013): Videostudien als Mittel fachdidaktischer Erkenntnisgewinnung [Video studies as a method of instructional knowledge-production]. In: bwpat (24). German version available on http://www.bwpat.de/ausgabe24/knigge_etal_bwpat24.pdf.

Knigge, Michel; Siemon, Jens (2013): Der Einsatz von Video in Forschung und Lehre hat ein neues Niveau erreicht [The use of video in research and instruction has reached a new level]. In: Gruppendynamik und  Organisationsberatung 44 (3), S. 241–243. DOI: 10.1007/s11612-013-0220-4 .

Knigge, Michel; Siemon, Jens; Nordstrand, Vibeke; Stolp, Claudia (2013): Eine neue Methode zur Untersuchung von Mikroprozessen in Lerndyaden: Eine Videostudie unter Berücksichtigung von kognitiven Grundfähigkeiten und Zielorientierungen [A new method for analyzing micro processes in learning dyads: A video study considering cognitive competences and goal orientations]. In: Gruppendyn Organisationsberat 44 (3), S. 277–299. DOI: 10.1007/s11612-013-0219-x .

Simulations for instruction and learning

Siemon, Jens (2015): Lessons learned on simulation-based learning. In: Mercè Gisbert und Mark Bullen (Hg.): Teaching and Learning in Digital World: Strategies and Issues in Higher Education: PUBLICACIONS UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI, S. 93–97. Available online: http://llibres.urv.cat/index.php/purv/catalog/view/155/139/321-1

Stolp, Claudia; Siemon, Jens (2013): Wirkung auf Lernerfolg und Motivation durch Debriefing in Unternehmensplanspielen [Impact on learning success and motivation through debriefing in business simulations]. In: Uwe Faßhauer, Bärbel Fürstenau und Eveline Wuttke (Hg.): Jahrbuch der berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogischen Forschung 2013. Opladen [u.a.]: Budrich; pedocs, S. 99–111. German version available online: http://www.pedocs.de/volltexte/2013/8067, as of 19.11.2013.

Language in vocational education

Siemon, Jens; Kimmelmann, Nicole; Ziegler, Birgit (2016): Sprache in der beruflichen Bildung – Bedeutung, Forschungsstand und Desiderata [Language in Vocational Education – Significance, State of Research and Desiderata], in: Siemon, Jens; Ziegler, Birgit; Kimmelmann, Nicole; Tenberg, Ralf (2016): Beruf und Sprache – Anforderungen, Kompetenzen und Förderung [Profession and Language – Requirements, Competences and Promotion], Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.

Siemon, Jens; Ziegler, Birgit; Kimmelmann, Nicole; Tenberg, Ralf (2016): Beruf und Sprache – Anforderungen, Kompetenzen und Förderung [Profession and Language – Requirements, Competences and Promotion], Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.

Duarte, J., Gogolin, I., Siemon, J. (2013). Mehrsprachigkeit im Fachunterricht am Übergang in die Sekundarstufe II – erste Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie. [Multilingualism in subject-based education at the
transition to upper secondary education – first results of a pilot study]
In J. Erfurt, T. Leichsering & R. Streb (Eds.), Mehrsprachigkeit und Mehrschriftigkeit. Sprachliches Handeln in der Schule. Duisburg:
Universitätsverlag Rhein-Ruhr.

Siemon, Jens; Duarte, Joana; Gogolin, Ingrid (2011): Computer-Based Assessment of Academic Language Skills–the “CALSy”-Tool. In: ICT for Language Learning Conference Proceedings 2011. Milano: Simonelli Editore.

Vocational education in a knowledge-based society

Siemon, Jens; Knigge, Michel; Nordstrand, Vibeke (2013):
Der Einfluss von berufsspezifischem Vorwissen auf die Ausbildungsplatzsuche [The influence previous vocational knowledge has on the search for a vocational training]. In: Karin Wirth, Frank Krille, Tade Tramm und Thomas Vollmer (Hg.): Weiterentwicklung dualer Berufsausbildung: Konsekutiv, kompetenzorientiert, konnektiv. Erfahrungen und Impulse aus dem Schulversuch EARA.
bwpat (Spezial 7).  German version available online: http://www.bwpat.de/spezial7/siemon_etal_eara2013.pdf

Siemon, Jens (2010): Berufsausbildung in der Wissensgesellschaft [Vocational training in a knowledge-based society]. In: Andrea Liesner und Ingrid Lohmann (Hg.): Gesellschaftliche Bedingungen von Bildung und Erziehung: Eine Einführung. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer (Urban-Taschenbücher), S. 216–228.

Doctorate and First Joint Postdoc-Position

Anja Augsdörfer has submitted her cumulative dissertation entitled “Promoting the Situation-Specific Lesson Planning and Coaching Skills of Prospective Teachers and Mentors in Vocational Education: a Video-Based Intervention Study” and passed her oral defense with high distinction on 28. February 2019 under my supervision. She has thus been the first doctoral candidate from the state-funded project “Professional teachers’ actions to promote subject-based learning under changing social conditions (ProfaLe)” to complete her doctorate and will start the first ever Joint Postdoc-Position at Universität Hamburg and Macquarie University on 01. April 2019.

Anja made the necessary contacts during a short research stay at Macquarie University in the course of her doctoral project and decided to move back to Australia to work on a project focusing on “Computational Thinking Pedagogies” together with Associate Professor Matt Bower. The Joint Postdoc position has been newly created under the umbrella of the strategic partnership between Hamburg and Macquarie for this purpose.

Congratulations, Anja!

We wish you all the best for your stay in Sydney and look forward to welcoming you back in Hamburg!

Language and Communication in Vocational Education

My article “The Perspective of Vocational and Business Education” (German title: Die Perspektive der Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik) has recently been published in the Inderdisciplinary Manual on Language and Communication in Vocational Training and Continuing Education –   “Sprache und Kommunikation in der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung”, published by Christian Efing and Karl-Hubert Kiefer.

ISBN: 978-3-8233-8041-2

Link to publisher

Profession and Language

The German publisher Franz Steiner Verlag has just published a supplement to its Journal of Vocational and Business Education titled “Profession and Language – Requirements, Competences and Promotion”.

Fact sheet (German)

Sample chapter (German)

Franz Steiner online store

Learning with Digital Media

Last week I attended the 5th Conference on “Digital Media – Analogue Reality”, a conference series organised by the Federal Insitute for Vocational Education and Training, this time in collaboration with the largest German supermarket corporation EDEKA. This 5th edition focused on learning and teaching environments in commercial occupations. A lot of good ideas from both businesses and vocational schools attracted my attention. However, as shown by the following critical but constructive reflections, there is still much to be done.

Read more →

Handbook “Language in Education”

Jörg Kilian, Birgit Brouer und Dina Lüttenberg have published a Handbook on Language in Education in a German publication series called Handbooks on Linguistic Knowledge, to which I contributed with my article “The Linguistic Construcion of Socially Relevant Knowledge for Vocational Education Illustrated by Selected Examples (Sprachliche Konstruktion gesellschaftlich relevanten Wissens für die berufliche Bildung an ausgewählten Beispielen)”.

Vocational education in a knowledge-based society

Supervised doctorates

Doctorates supervised by Jens Siemon:

Dr. phil. des. Anja Augsdörfer: Promoting the Situation-Specific Lesson Planning and Coaching Skills of Prospective Teachers and Mentors in Vocational Education: a Video-Based Intervention Study

Dr. Katharina Baumann: Man muss schon ein bisschen mit dem Schreiben zurechtkommen! [You should be able to cope with writing – at least a bit!]

Dr. Martin Novak: Lebenslange berufliche Bildung in der Wissensgesellschaft [lifelong vocational education in a knowledge-based society]

Dr. Marina Trebbels: Transitions at the end of compulsory full-time education

Dr. Claudia Stolp: Wirkung auf Lernerfolg und Motivation durch Debriefing in Unternehmensplanspielen [Impact on learning success and motivation through debriefing in business simulations]

Dr. Jose Maria Cela: Personality, learning patterns and performance of first year students

Language in vocational education

Game-based learning

Video-based research in learning and instruction

Teacher training as a key to digitisation of society

The conference „Zukunftssicherung Digitaler Kompetenzen – Herausforderung für Wirtschaft und Bildung“  [safeguarding the future of digital competences – challenges for economy and education], held on 27 November 2014 in Hannover by eBusiness-Lotse and partners, focused on how to disseminate eBusiness knowledge and skills in Lower Saxony. Since teachers are important multipliers, my approach ist to identify teacher training as a potential key factor. Still the current state of computer competences and use at school is quite sobering, as the ICILS 2013 study shows. My German presentation contains the most important study results with regard to teacher training and possible ways out of the crisis:

Lehrerbildung – Schlüssel zur Digitalisierung.pdf (5.4 MB)

Impact on learning success and motivation through debriefing in business simulations

Stolp, Claudia (2015). Wirkung auf Lernerfolg und Motivation durch Debriefing in Unternehmensplanspielen [Impact on learning success and motivation through debriefing in business simulations] .


Dr. No has made it!

Lifelong vocational education in a knowledge-based society: A discussion on the interaction of people, government and economy in a knowledge-based society as well as the orientations of lifelong learning and problems, challenges and consequences arising from them for vocational education.

Dr. No has made it! On 15 March 2015, Martin Novak received his doctoral degree (Dr. phil.).

An an external doctoral student, you even accomplished this alongside your teacher traineeship. Congratulations!

Doctorate Katharina Baumann

You should be able to cope with writing – at least a bit!
A study on the writing skills of trainees in the lower vocational training segment seen in the context of training maturity.

Katharina Baumann demonstrates excellent writing skills. Under the German title „Man muss schon ein bisschen mit dem Schreiben zurechtkommen! – Eine Studie zu den Schreibfähigkeiten von Auszubildenden im unteren beruflichen Ausbildungssegment im Kontext von Ausbildungsreife“, she has completed her doctorate with great success.